A. Data Warehouses
- Introduction, and DMX
- BI in brief,
- Querying vs. On Line Processing vs. Data Mining
- Data Warehose
- Data Warehousing
- Data Warehouse Architecture
- Data Cube
- OLAP Operators
- MultiDimensional eXpressions
- Conceptual and Logical Design
- Conceptual Level Design
- A Conceptual Design Language: DFM
- Logical Design
- ROLAP, MOLAP, Star Schema, SnowFlake Schema
- Mondrian + JasperServer
- Conceptual Level Design
B. Data Mining
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Querying vs. Mining, CWA vs. OWA, Classification, Clustering, Associative Rules
- Basic Concepts
- Bayes Theorem, Sampled Gaussian Distribution
- Introduction
- Static Reporting
- Introduction, Basic Concepts, Diagrams (Histogram, Box and wisker plot, Scatterplot matrix, Radar chart)
- Classification
- Classification vs. Clustering
- Types of classifiers: Linear Classifiers and Entropy Measure Based
- Naïve Bayes
- Decision Trees: C4.5 Algorithm
- Other statistical techniques: Multilinear and Logistic Regression
- Clustering
- K-means clustering
- UPGMA Algorithm
- Dendogram
- Data Cleaning and Outlier Detection
- Data Cleaning
- Outlier Detection
- Proximity Based Outlier Detection, Density Based Outlier Detection, Clustering Based Outlier Detection
- Associative Rules
- FP-Growth Algorithm
- Rule Generation: A Priori techniques
- Pattern Evaluation
C. Case Studies
* Graph Data Mining
* IBM Watson